Benefits of Reading Aqwal-e-Zareen

Aqwal-e-Zareen in Urdu are the wisdom words said by famous and learned men of their time. These famous people have accomplished something big in their lives so people give great regard to what they say. Their advises and phrases were noted down by the men around them and then they were attributed to their names.
Every country, language and religion had wise people in their history who were greatly respected and honored. Whatever they said was termed as quotes or quotations and then people of this age learn from them. Popular and wise men who quoted something in Urdu was given the name of aqwal-e-zareen.
Aqwal means something a person said and zareen means important thing or golden words. These words are categorized into topics and also by author. People love to read Urdu quotes to learn lesson and advise from them. Reading religious quotes give great satisfaction to the people that is why Hazrat Ali Quotes in Urdu are widely read in indo-pak subcontinent. The reason is that a great number of Shia sect of Muslims live here. There are several people who note down the quotes or aqwal-e-zareen in their notebooks and diaries for future reference.
They are the best source of learning new things and getting wiser about the subject. Some of the popular authors whose wordings are widely read by people around the world are Imam Ghazali, Imam Shafi, Khalil Gibran Quotes in Urdu, Quaid-e-Azam, Aristotle, Sheikh Saadi and Maulana Roomi. If you want to be wiser about a subject then you must make it a habit to read wisdom words by these wise and popular people.
اقوال زریں پڑھنے کے بہت سے فائدے ہیں جن میں سے سب سے بڑا فائدہ یہ ہے کہ آپ کا حوصلہ اور ہمت قائم رہتی ہے۔ زندگی میں مختلف نشب و فراز آتے رہتے ہیں لیکن اگر آپ اپنی ہمت اور جذبے کو قائم رکھیں تو کوئی وجہ نہیں کہ آپ کامیاب نہ ہو سکیں۔ کبھی کاروبار میں نقصان کی وجہ سے انساں پریشان ہو جاتا ہے اور کابھی صحت خراب ہونے کی وجہ سے آپ کو پریشانی لاحق ہو جاتی ہے لیکن اگر آپ کی ہمت قائم ہے تو پھر ضرور کامیابی حاصل کر سکیں گے۔

Kehnde Ne Naina - Noor Jehan

Kehnde Ne Naina by melody queen Madam Noor Jehan. Watch and download your favorite songs at PakOwn.

Arif Lohar Jugni – Coke Studio

Arif Lohar Jugni – A very beautiful style of jugni by Arif Lohar and Meesha in Coke Studio. Watch and download your favorite songs at PakOwn.

Is Imran Khan's Justified to Protest?

Imran Khan started his plan C according to which the first protest call was given in Faisalabad yesterday. As it is the right of every political party to protest peacefully so Imran Khan exercised his right of protest to get his point of view recorded.

According to the constitution of Pakistan every citizen, political party or group can protest if their fundamental rights are disturbed or not given. However the protest should be peaceful and the mob should not take the law in their own hands. Legally and lawfully Imran Khan and his political party is fully justified to hold rallies and protests.

The protest started in the morning and everything went fine but then one of the armed person opened fire on the peaceful protesters leaving one dead and several seriously injured. This had added fuel to the protest and then it took place in all the major cities of Pakistan.

People say that Imran Khan is not a cunning person and he can easily be deceived by his political opponents. Since all the old politicians are corrupt and always use deceptive means so it will not be wrong to say that Ik can never match their ill-standard. However one thing is for sure that whatever his opponents say, they can never ever doubt his integrity.

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